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Building Confidence

Have you ever been in a position where confidence was key, but without time to prepare the opportunity passed you by? Or worse, you had plenty of time, but the moment was gone because you had no idea how to approach the subject even with plenty of time to prepare?


The worst part isn’t watching the moment approach and pass you by, it’s the days after—the regret of playing over in your mind all that could have been different if only you had made your move and said the right thing or completed the right action. Let’s remedy that, shall we?


It’s proven that confidence not only allows you to feel better where you are now, but creates the motivation needed to do more. Psychology Today discusses motivation, resilience, relationships, and even the ability of discovering your authentic self when you are confident.


Deepak Chopra’s daughter, Priyanka, states in this video that confidence can change your life. She goes on to say that confidence is something that must come from within—like hypnosis! Confidence was often the one thing that separated her from all the others in competitions.


As a student, confidence overrides fear and anxiety, improves motivation, and allows setbacks to be handled with ease. Instead of collapsing in defeat, when children are taught resilience, they learn to take chances and try again. Many times, people are not allowed to fail and learn.


While it’s true that men can have issues with confidence, it’s much more likely for women to falter in the arena of feeling “good enough” to be accepted. Forbes goes over some of the barriers of the conflicts many women have in addressing this issue for themselves.


Getting ahead in life means stretching the limits by believing in yourself and having the ability to have an executive presence, even in stressful situations. Your attitude will be more positive and the influence you have over others will prove uncanny as your leadership skills take over.


In any type of competitive sport, confidence is the singular most important mental factor, according to HuffPost. Even if you have the skills, if you don’t have the confidence to execute it correctly, you won’t pull it off. With a stadium full of fans, the one person who counts is you.

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