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When does a Hypnotised Person Sleep?
The only time people go to sleep during hypnosis is when the hypnotist is extremely boring! I’m kidding. Speaking from experience, I’ve only had one person fall asleep during an induction—my father, but he’s very old and had worked a long day. It was rather embarrassing, and I felt bad waking him up.
The fact is, in the good old days, hypnotists used the phrase loosely, “…and when I count from ten to one, you will be asleep.” After an induction, the feeling is euphoric and sort of a dreamlike state, which is more than likely where the phrase originated. You know how you feel first thing in the morning when you’re sort of awake, but not ready to open your eyes because you feel so comfortable? That’s it. If someone told you to do something you wouldn’t normally do, you’re not going to do it. At the same time, you are so comfortable and relaxed, that often times you’ll wish you could stay that way.
Here's how a few other people describe hypnosis—but every one of them are pleasant. – Intense mental focus
SleepFoundation – Focus on helping aid in sleeping
Nature – In the ways are sleep and hypnosis similar