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Weight Loss

Everyone has heard horror stories of failures in losing weight, and many of us have created or presently create our own. You know, “No matter what I do, the weight just won’t come off”; “I can’t help it, everyone in my family is big”; “It’s because there is no time in my schedule to plan”; “It costs too much to purchase all those crazy expensive supplements”; “None of my friends or family understands, and they make it hard for me.” Choose your excuse. No matter the excuse—that’s all it is. The fact is, if you are ready to truly find the healthier you, none of these excuses will have a chance of even entering your mind. You will have your own guard who is ready and onguard to challenge these lame justifications.


However, there may be some useful information contained here that will assist you a bit more:


Inadequate amounts of SLEEP. If you aren’t getting enough sleep or are sleeping too much, this has a significant impact on weight gain. In addition to changing your hormones and insulin resistance, your appetite is increased to level out your needs—automatically and incorrectly.


While everyone experiences STRESS on different levels. It isn’t all psychological; stress increases insulin which stimulates your appetite. When the heart pumps more blood with a quickened pulse, glucocorticoids convert fat cells to fight off inflammation at a higher rate.


As you mentally AGE, your body moves things around. As we age, our unused muscle becomes replaced with fat, slowing the metabolism and causes weight gain. Eating the same and keeping the same routine no longer works, especially if your activity lessens. When your adversary posed in front of you moves left, you should shift right, intercepting them for the block.  


Digestion, temperature regulation, moisture in the eyes, and lubrication of joints are all impacted by HYDRATION. Having too little water can also impact your weight negatively. Hydration can aid in increased metabolism and increase lipolysis (breaking down fat).


Some people are predisposed to being heavier through GENES, but that doesn’t mean you are permanently condemned to being overweight. It simply means you must find a different path. Genes affect the amount of weight your body naturally stores and may increase appetite, especially when compounded with higher levels of stress and less sleep. It’s important to note that only a mere 5% of the population has a gene mutation that directly causes obesity.


And of course, a regular EXERCISE REGIMEN, (lifting weights, running, or dancing, etc.) and EATING PLAN (calorie count, fasting, or cutting sugars, etc.) need to be combined with other healthy adjustments such as controlled stress, adequate sleep, and plenty of hydration. Additionally, you’ll find numerous phone apps to assist with journaling, such as My Fitness Pal.


Unfortunately, there are some MEDICAL CONDITIONS (thyroid, diabetes, or insulin resistance) and MEDICATIONS (antidepressants, steroids, antihypertensives, diabetes medication, antipsychotics, and anticonvulsants) that can cause extensive weight gain. If this is the case, rather than speaking with a hypnotist or hypnotherapist, it’s safer to confer with your doctor for an opinion of the best approach for you. Your wellbeing is of the highest concern for us and certainly for you too.


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